Coot Chicks

Posted by
Avian Grey (London, United Kingdom) on 3 July 2011 in Animal & Insect.

I guess the 'ugliness' of these is to make them look less appetizing to a predator (such as a heron !) but such defence is not always successful.

These two are from a clutch of six where five are still around.

- AG

NIKON D300 1/125 second F/5.6 ISO 400 195 mm (35mm equiv.)

Avian Grey is sister site to American Grey | light and features bird photography that seems to form an increasing part of my current portfolio. My thanks go to Henry the Heron who became very much my passport to the Avian World.

- AG

© Copyright Avian Grey and American Grey, 2009-2020 inclusive.

1/125 second
ISO 400
195 mm (35mm equiv.)